Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Student Credit Card Game

When you go to college the first day you find many opportunities to sign up for a student credit card. Most young people are wide eyed and very naïve when it comes to credit cards. That is why many of the credit card companies are able to take advantage by issuing the student a credit card that has high interest rate, monthly fees and an annual membership fee. It is wise to know what you want in a credit card and expect to get it. The agents are eager to get you and possibly your parent to sign on the bottom line explaining how important it is for you to have the ability to get those things that you might need. The truth is that they make a hearty commission if they are able to sell you a high end credit card.You should not take the credit card because they are being pushy or trying to get you to take the card now. They might not be coming back but that does not mean you cannot get a card. You can go online after you're settled into your room and find a much better deal. You should try to get a credit card that offers you 0% interest for the first year, no annual fees and at least thirty days grace period in case you need it. You don't want to find that you are paying more out for credit than you are for the items you need.Instead of getting taking advantage by the mainstream companies, there are some things that you can do in order to find the card that fits your wallet the right way and here's how you do it:Look at the card inside and out - The first thing you want to do is research the card. You're going to want to look at how it's going to benefit you and what you're going to get out of it. Does it look like something you can take advantage of every time you make a purchase?Look at the fees - Every card has some sort of fees but you want to make sure you're looking at annual fees as well since this generally the highest fee that you're going to pay regardless of the card. If the card has an annual fee, you're going to have to pay that no matter what. This is why it's important that you look for a card without a fee and I'm sure you can find it.Look for the major logo - When you do apply for a card, make sure you find a card that has a major logo. This way you'll know if it'll be accepted at all the stores nationwide. If you find yourself getting a card without a major logo, you may find it won't be accepted and it may not build your credit as well.It's always best to do your research first before you apply at a booth because I guarantee you that you'll be able to find a card that suits your needs.

By : Tom Tessin

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